This guide includes best practices for importing a Microsoft Word DOCX file into Propdocs to make the process as seamless as possible. Moving documents from one platform to another sometimes involves adjustments, but with the following tips and tricks, you’ll have a smooth experience.
When and why upload a DOCX to a Deal in Propdocs
While you may draft a document from scratch within Propdocs, oftentimes you will have existing documents you want to leverage as a starting point. You can import a DOCX file directly into a deal to edit, review internally, request approval, track changes, share with a counterparty, and/or get it signed.
Importing a DOCX when creating Templates in Propdocs
Starter, Premium, and Professional users can manage private template libraries in Propdocs. When creating templates, you’ll most likely have a current template in DOCX format. Importing the DOCX file directly into Propdocs allows you to quickly create templates from an existing document file.
Here are some best practices to keep in mind for formatting your DOCX before uploading it to Propdocs to produce the best-looking document:
Page Margins
For the best appearance, we recommend using the AMA standard format of 1” margins on all sides.
Oftentimes there is a mix of indentations used within Word to achieve a desired appearance. We recommend being consistent and using standard preset indentations to ensure your DOCX imports accurately. Most commonly spaces are used instead of indentations, which are not recognized by MS Word and therefore are hard for Propdocs to interpret.
Numbered Lists and Bullets
We recommend using numbered lists either with a mix of letters (A,B,C,a,b,c), numbers (1,2,3) and roman numerals (I, II, III, i, ii, iii), or decimal number format (e.g. 1.1). Standard bullet (and sub-bullet) lists also work best when using Word and are easily recognized by Propdocs and most editing platforms (Adobe Acrobat, etc).
Remove Table of Contents
At this time, Propdocs does not support dynamic Table of Contents (TOC) with bookmarks and page numbers. We recommend either removing a formatted TOC, or replacing it with a standard section index.
Headers and Footers
Headers and Footers currently do not get imported into Propdocs. After you create your document in Propdocs you’ll be able to easily add Headers and Footers (see help article here). You can include tables, images, and/or text.
Tip: Use a table to easily maintain alignment of objects, like a logo at the top left, and an address at the top right.
If you have checkbox icons or placeholders within your DOCX file, you’ll need to replace them as they won’t import as expected into Propdocs. Replace your checkboxes with brackets, such as [ ]. When you or your counterparty need to ‘check’ that box during the contract process, we suggest typing an X, so it looks like: [ X ]. The added benefit of this method is the ‘checking of the box’ is tracked.
Note: We are working on allowing checkboxes to be inserted into documents, and will then be able to import and convert checkbox icons into working checkboxes in Propdocs.
Font Style and Size
We recommend using standard professional font families, including Arial, Courier New, Georgia, Lucida Sans Unicode, Tahoma, Verdana, and Times New Roman. It is not recommended to use custom fonts of any kind. We also recommend ensuring you’re using standard font sizes that are whole numbers and not decimals, as these can sometimes render inconsistently on different screens and software.