The sidebar in the document editor can be used to manage the signers for that document.
Adding signers
To add a signer utilize the “Add/Insert Signers” section in the sidebar:
- Input a valid email address
- Click "+" icon
- Signer is added and can now be inserted in the document
Modifying signers
Signers can be modified in 3 ways after creation; email changed, signing order changed, and deleted. For all three actions navigate to the “Manage Signers” section in the sidebar:
- Click on the signer pill and drag along the list to re-order among other signers
- Click on the edit icon to input a new email and confirm
- Click on the trash icon to delete the signer and confirm
Identifying Signing locations
For each signer a ‘signature’ or 'initials' placement is required prior to the document being sent for signing. In addition, you can identify places for free text, and the date signed.
- Select a signer in the signers dropdown
- Drag and drop signature, initial, date signed, or text field into the document
- Adjust the placement or size of the signature location by dragging and manipulating the inserted block
When all the signers have been added, and their signing locations identified in the document, it can now be sent for signing. This will trigger the first signer in the signing order being contacted to sign the document.
Note: The text field can be used for a variety of different cases. Some common uses are to ask the signer to provide their legal name and title.