The document editor is one of the core components of Propdocs. Being familiar with the editor is vital for success in drafting, negotiating, reviewing and updating documents and templates in Propdocs.
The editor has four distinct elements: the header, the toolbar, the sidebar, and the document content.
The document editor’s header serves an important purposes and keeps you grounded in the document. You can toggle between edit and compare modes, looking back on past versions of the document. From the header, you can send the document to the counterpart, for review via email or for signing.
The document editor’s toolbar is similar to toolbars you may be familiar with from MS Word, Google Docs, etc. You can style text (size, underline, bold, etc), create numbered lists, insert tables, and indentations all from the toolbar. The toolbar has more advanced features like tracking changes, making comments, and viewing the document version history, which are covered in more depth in their respective support articles.
The sidebar will display document activity for all users. The document activity is a log of recent comment and suggestion changes made in the document by all parties. The sidebar features a participants panel which permits users with the correct permissions to manage their deal team and the counterparty. The sidebar will also include the ability to insert clauses and is only available to the document creator team.
Document Content
The document content is a representation of the final presentation of the document. The content can be adjusted using the toolbar and sidebar as well as by adding/adjusting the content like you would with most word processors and text editors.
Give it a try! The document editor is intuitive to pick up and start creating, changing, and negotiating documents in Propdocs. Don’t hesitate to contact if you have any questions, or Chat live with us during business hours (bottom right of the page).